本日 2024年5月5日(日) 23:38 Etc/GMT-9
約 5 件

Jesus Garcia - Rotary International Missions

📍 Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, 7 Town Square, Lima, OH 45801, USA

🕖 2024/05/07 01:00~2024/05/07 02:00

Bath High School Interact Awards and Presentation

📍 Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, 7 Town Square, Lima, OH 45801, USA

🕖 2024/05/14 01:00~2024/05/14 02:00

Dom Inkrott and Gary Hadding - General Dynamics

📍 Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, 7 Town Square, Lima, OH 45801, USA

🕖 2024/05/21 01:00~2024/05/21 02:00

Sally Windle - ArtSpace/Lima

📍 Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center, 7 Town Square, Lima, OH 45801, USA

🕖 2024/06/04 01:00~2024/06/04 02:00